See Why Our Canton Dentist is the Right Choice for Dental Accidents

Accidents can happen anywhere and at any time, so it’s difficult to expect the unexpected! A dental emergency requires immediate care, but patients should know where to go. Our first reaction would be to go straight to the hospital, but the health professionals there aren’t the same as our Canton dentist when it comes to caring for your teeth and gums. Finding the best emergency dental care saves more than just your smile, so learn more about the importance below.
Why Go to a Dental Office Instead of a Hospital
When you experience a medical emergency, your first thought is to visit the ER for immediate care, but when it comes to a dental emergency like a broken or loose tooth, you should call our emergency dentist right away. You’ll receive detailed instructions on how to care for your damaged tooth while you’re on your way to our office. Once you arrive, you’ll receive immediate care to address the problem. With this prompt treatment, we’re able to not only care for the injury now, but work with you to prevent long-term problems you may run across in the future.
Emergency Dentistry is for More than Tooth Loss
Emergency dental care is more than just caring for a missing or damaged tooth.  There are numerous dental issues that constitute as an emergency that may not be as obvious, but it’s important to recognize them and act accordingly. An example would be a broken or damaged dental crown; if the tooth underneath the crown is exposed, it’s susceptible to coming in contact with harmful bacteria and food particles. This can quickly cause an infection and lead to further damage to your overall oral health.
How to Determine a Dental Emergency
Like we’ve mentioned, your first reaction during an emergency would be to go to the ER, but it’s important to think of your choices and what’s the most logical choice. The best first step is to give our Canton dentist a call to discuss the issue and determine whether or not it’s a true dental emergency, or if it can wait until your next scheduled appointment. Instead of rushing to the emergency room, where there are no dental professionals or experts like us, we’ll give you detailed instructions on how to care for your injury until your next visit, or what steps to take before coming into our office.
Be sure you have our number in your phone to call if ever a dental emergency happens! Accidents are unpredictable, so it’s important to be as prepared as possible. Contact our Canton dentist at (330) 493-8400 to learn more about addressing a dental emergency or to schedule a consultation today.
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